
In some way Personally i think such as for instance Minho create find it horny having an older s/o

Chan is an overworked and tired bean and as the leader of Stray Kids he is used to being the one in charge, so with you being older than him, he had found a safe haven in you where he could let loose and be a child for once. With all the burdens and responsibilities on his shoulders, you’d help him feel relaxed since whenever you were with him, he didn’t have to be responsible anymore since you gladly took over to take care of him. He’d be really happy about that, though I could see him still wanting to be the one in charge when it came to the bedroom I didn’t simply state it shhhh.

Lee Know/Minho:

He strikes me as being somewhat bratty and he could view you being older as a challenge to be in charge. I do feel like Minho would like being in charge usually and also in the bedroom as well but on the other side I could also see him turn extremely soft at you being older. He would view you as someone he could lean on and go to for advice, someone who’s more knowledgeable than him. I could also see him thinking highly of you and feeling proud for having pursued someone older than him.


Changbin is someone I feel like who would enjoy a significant other no matter whether they are older or younger than him. But believe me, you being older than him would bring out Baby Changbin so much more often than he already does let him get unleashed. He would just be such a sucker for you babying my personal cell phone surely autocorrect “babying” so you can “banging” oml him and would do aegyo for you all. the. time. I think he’d really love surprising you with sudden outbursts of aegyo and go like “noonaaaa/hyuuuung

?” or something like that. Typically, you being earlier manage draw out the little one into the Changbin also many he would like every 2nd of it since let us be genuine, which man enjoys acting precious being a beneficial softie.


Have you figured out this type of minutes when Hyunjin serves every pouty and sulky which is just thus very adorable and attractive? That’s how We view your with an older significant other. I believe for example however usually get sulky otherwise pouty for people who reminded your of being avove the age of your otherwise create a joke about your being younger. However should make the thing is him just like the one instead from a kid but all of that sulking carry out simply leave you get a hold of him also cuter, which could be the perfect opposite impact because Hyunjin want. Though he’d including really enjoy you being elderly a variety of factors and something are, your acting pretty for you and achieving you cure him in order to food otherwise java/milkshakes. Mostly, might finish smiling and you can trembling your head when you look at the a joking “disturb but not shocked” manner and give directly into their desires since let’s become real; just who you’ll say “no” to help you him?


Somebody taking reminded regarding 3racha’s impress right here? Merely me? Ok. Somehow I could see Jisung becoming even more clingy and affectionate than he already is with an older significant other. He’d totally enjoy you being older than him and he’d look up to as a person and admire you. Whenever he had a problem, he’d always come to you to talk about it and he’d love how you always knew what to say and how to comfort him. He’d appreciate your wisdom and I could see him love having long conversations with you. Jisung is another one, like Minho, I could see feeling proud for having been able to pursue an older significant other though I feel like he’d also try to prove his maturity to you, wanting you to see him as a man and not as a young boy. He’d definitely want to impress you with his deep thinking skills and maturity.

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