
Clarence got forgotten ?100 from this venture

Aug. 25th.-Ailment is made that if fishing boats for sale visited the fresh new Quay to the Week-end, a crowd gathered across the doorway of a few societal-household, and on the newest coming away from a salesman he was accompanied for the such as for example household and you will stored a-sale truth be told there of seafood, and this the police never ever interfered to prevent this solution from the Sabbath.

A single citizen about urban area, had, toward choice regarding a bottle out-of rum, passionate a pony and cart on the avoid of the Jetty, for which he was removed before Justices and fined twenties.

p. 140 Sept. eighth.-G. D. Palmer, Esq., had presided on a meeting off sixty of your paving Commissioners, and with a view toward endangered look of cholera, the next unique committee concerning scavengering is actually designated:-Messrs. Grams. D. Palmer, J. Fish, C. Age. Bartram, C. Pearson, and you can W. Squire.

Mr. Cufaude and something gentleman inexperienced had seemed from the Theatre, during the An alternative way to blow old Bills, together with become gotten which have “rapturous applause.”

G. Cannell, W

October. 20th.-Monday being a single day appointed to have “Humiliation and you may Prayer,” well over 2,900 people went to St. Nicholas’ Church attributes; in the morning the fresh Rev. Geo. Hills preached of Micah vi., 6, 7 and you will 8; on day the latest Rev. H. Neville; later in the day the latest Rev. G. Hills, from Amounts xxi., forty eight. Brand new choices amounted in order to ?100.

The fall of. 3rd.-The market and you will Regent Wards was competitive. Messrs. Gourlay and you may Steward (Whigs) facing Messrs. W. Aldred and you may Fyson (Conservatives) on the an (Whigs) up against Messrs. Roentgen. D. Barber and you can H. R. Harmer (Conservatives) regarding the Regent Ward. Brand new elections ended towards Messrs. Hairdresser and you may Fish regarding the Regent, and Messrs. Aldred and Gourlay in the business Ward.

From the Northern, St. George’s, and Nelson Wards there are zero contests, thus Messrs. Wm. Praise, P. Light, R. Ferrier, B. Jay, Grams. Cannell, and you will M. Butcher is re-chose. From the Gorleston Ward Messrs. Clarke (Whig) and you may Roentgen. Steward (Conservative) was actually came back.

p. 141 Late. tenth.-In the Council meeting towards the 9th, Mr. Owles suggested, and Mr. W. Johnson seconded, Mr. D. An excellent. Gourlay into Mayoralty, and you may Mr. R. Steward suggested and you can Mr. Cherry seconded, the fresh election from Mr. Age. H. L. Preston to that particular workplace, if voting is actually, having Mr. Gourlay twenty seven and for Mr. Preston fourteen.

Dec. 22nd.-Mr. Jas. Jackson had been decided to go with good Councillor for the North Ward within the the spot out of Richard Hammond, Esq., who were designated an enthusiastic Alderman, vice S. Cobb, Esq., inactive.

Dec. 30th.-?35 13s. 6d. ended up being reduced because of the Mr. Sloman toward financing of one’s Healthcare, on account of the profits produced from this new business from hymn courses.

The fresh prisoners of the Workhouse ended up being regaled with a food away from plum dessert and you may roast beef, with a pint of strong beer for each.


The month of january. fifth.-Within Medical meeting it absolutely was reported that ?96 4s. 11d. had been gathered for that business into general Timely Big date. Mr. B. Dowson filled the latest sofa, and you will Messrs. Grams. D. Palmer, J. Steele, W. H. Palmer, and you may Dr. Impey took part in the proceedings.

The month of january. twelfth.-This new Sanctuary Commissioners was indeed being recommended in order to prolong new Jetty, to enable boats in order to homes around once they cannot go into the port.

Jan. 19th.-A message of condolence lovely filipino lady was actually voted of the City Council on the King into affair of one’s loss of the fresh King Dowager.

The latest Revs. J. Everitt, S. Dunn, and you will W. Griffiths, around three Wesleyan Ministers, expelled from the Appointment, had held a conference of its members of the family in the Corn Hallway.

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