Author: vicentiu


There had been zero deviations of shipment during the intercourse and ages anywhere between Eastern Asians and you may Westerns in the per ages-class

Players East Western and you can West people as well as 2 age groups of kids participated (5-6 and you may 11-12-year-olds). Members was in fact 33 Eastern Asian grownups (ages 18–thirty two decades; sixteen male, 17 lady) and you may 104 youngsters (5-6 decades:…


Gender queer, trans non-binaireOu gender-fluid… , lequel sont-iels ? Tchat accompagnes de vos non-binaires

“Iel” est un pronom agent avec les personnes non-binairesEt laquelle nenni s’identifient ni exactement hominien femme , ni exclusivement copine… Camille, LisbethEt LeanaOu Mahe… Mercredi 17 brumaire, Ce Robert avait publie ceci pronom “iel” A le belles-lettres interactif apres agace un chicane… Iel continue Ce…